I'm trying to customize the mappings between the OpenAPI Specification string formats
I'm currently using my own custom server generator that extends JavaJerseyServerCodegen, so I made this changes and everything worked fine
public void processOpts()
typeMapping.put("DateTime", "Instant");
typeMapping.put("date", "LocalDate");
importMapping.put("Instant", "java.time.Instant");
importMapping.put("LocalDate", "java.time.LocalDate");
The problem is the time format, since the codegen doens't have this format defined by default so that I can "override" it.
Is it possible to do what I want? If so how?
After a lot of head banging, I tried a KISS approach and got the following solution:
public String getSwaggerType(final Property property)
if ((property instanceof StringProperty) && ("time".equals(property.getFormat())))
return "OffsetTime";
return super.getSwaggerType(property);
and now I can simply do the following
public void processOpts()
typeMapping.put("DateTime", "Instant");
typeMapping.put("date", "LocalDate");
typeMapping.put("time", "OffsetTime");
importMapping.put("Instant", "java.time.Instant");
importMapping.put("LocalDate", "java.time.LocalDate");
importMapping.put("OffsetTime", "java.time.OffsetTime");