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Host plug-in JavaSE has not been found in RCP application with Java 10

I moved my RCP application from Eclipse Oxygen to Photon, and also from Java 8 to Java 10.

The code compiles and the application works fine if I start it from Eclipse. However, when I try to build my application, I get an error:

plug-in JavaSE_0.0.0 has not been found
Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-10
    Host plug-in JavaSE_0.0.0 has not been found.

I can't find any useful solution on Google. Maybe some of you can help me.

My manifest file contains this header:

Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-10


  • This seems to be an Eclipse bug. Eclipse seems not to able to deal with JavaSE-10 properly.

    The simplest solution at the moment is just to use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-9 rather than JavaSE-10 and put up with the warning that this doesn't match the JRE container.