Task: I want to create a dynamic class by a given JSON Object in ES6.
After a lot of reading in the MDN web docs and much stackoverflow questions i'm totally confused how to get this work.
JSON Object
constructor: {
name: "someName",
getter: {
function1: () => "someOutput",
function2: () => false,
While I tried to solve the problem I figured out how to create dynamic getter methods by using "Proxy" or "defineProperty" but how i should handle the constructor?? :(
I hope someone can help me with a hint or an example. Thanks in advance
You can add constructor to your class created by Proxy using Proxy's "construct" handler method:
const jsonObj = {
constructor: {
name: "someName",
getter: {
function1: () => "someOutput",
function2: () => false,
function baseClass(obj) {
for(i in obj){
this[i] = obj[i]
const handler = {
construct(target, args) {
return new target(jsonObj.constructor);
const NewClass = new Proxy(baseClass, handler);