I have a library, in which I need only one configuration all through the app. I call a method in that library through a public static final reference in a Helper class to the library' s builder.
Schematically, it looks like this:
public class Helper{
private static final Pattern a = ... ;
private static final Pattern b = ... ;
public static final Library.Renderer RENDERER = Library.getBuilder().
.add(a) // setting the configuration
.add(b) // of the renderer
And, I call the method in that library from other places like this
String processedText = Helper.RENDERER.render(rawText);
Does it mean that each time I call the static RENDERER, it passes all the process of adding and building the method again and again?
Note: this is not about static variables. It is about the methods incorporated in the static object initialization. So, the question is whether the static final RENDERER = ....
refers to the adding and building procedure, or to the final outcome of that adding and building procedure.
No, this is called only once. Testing file :
public static void main(String[] args) {
int verify = Static.var;
int verify2 = Static.var;
And the Static class :
public class Static {
public static int var = returnCount();
public static int count = 0;
public static int returnCount() {
count = count + 1;
return count;
Result :