I want the counter(1, 2, 3, ....) started as soon as I click the Start button.
HTML code:
<p class="para">0</p>
<input type="button" value="Start" class="start">
JS code:
const para = document.querySelector(".para"),
start = document.querySelector(".start");
start.addEventListener("click", function(){
var timer = setInterval(doEverySecond, 1000)
function doEverySecond(timer){
I am stuck in this problem for three days. Please help me figure out my mistakes Do I need to use parseInt method because the para class is string not an integer? I hope I am clear
There are multiple things that may be causing you trouble here.
, so it should be window.setInterval()
on a StringWhen we fix these minor issues, everything works!
const para = document.querySelector(".para"), start = document.querySelector(".start");
start.addEventListener("click", function() {
window.setInterval(doEverySecond, 1000)
function doEverySecond() {
para.innerHTML = parseInt(para.innerHTML) + 1
<p class="para">0</p>
<input type="button" value="Start" class="start">
Hope this helps.