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Mybatis how to run the sql "desc table"

I have a promble about how to run the sql "desc table" to get table fields info.

I am try run this those code to get table fields info, but got an syntax error.

public interface TableMapper {

 * 获取指定表中字段的具体信息
 * @param tableName 表名
 * @return 所有字段的具体信息.
@Select("desc #{tableName}")
        @Result(property = "fieldName", column = "Field", javaType = String.class),
        @Result(property = "fieldType", column = "Type", javaType = String.class),
        @Result(property = "nullable", column = "Null", javaType = String.class),
        @Result(property = "key", column = "Key", javaType = String.class),
        @Result(property = "extra", column = "Extra", javaType = String.class)
Set<TableFieldInfo> findTableFieldsInfo(@Param(value = "tableName") String tableName);}

Can some one tell me how to get table fields info with mybaits?


  • Change

    desc #{tableName}


    desc ${tableName}