I am using the NuGet Package https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/FloatingActionButton-for-Xamarin.Android to implement a floating action button. I have already added it, but I can't get the clicked event working.
<fab:FloatingActionButtonView ImageName="settings_24.png"
ColorNormal="{StaticResource PrimaryColor}"
ColorPressed="{StaticResource PrimaryDarkColor}"
ColorRipple="{StaticResource PrimaryDarkColor}"
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="1, 1, AutoSize, AutoSize"
private void FAB_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var page = new AddTransactionPage();
I found out that FloatingActionButtonView.Clicked
is a Property and not an Event, but how does it work then? There is neither a ItemTapped
or ItemSelected
Event which I could use.
I have already looked throught the sample code provided on the GitHub repo, sadly there is only Xamarin.Android code, while I would need Xamarin.Forms.
According to this Xamarin.Forms example from the source repository it is an action delegate property.
/// <summary>
/// Action to call when clicked
/// </summary>
public Action<object, EventArgs> Clicked { get; set; }
You can set the delegate within the constructor of the Page.
However, given that it is not an actual event handler and just a void method, it would be ill advised to make it an async void
method if you want to perform async operations safely.
Reference Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming
Instead, create an event and async event handler so that async operations can be awaited
public MyPage() {
//Subscribing to our event here
FabClicked += OnFabClicked;
//FABaddT is already defined in the XAML so just setting the delegate here
FABaddT.Clicked = (sender, args) => {
//Raising the event here and passing sender and event arguments on
FabClicked(sender, args);
private event EventHandler FabClicked = delegate { };
private async void OnFabClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) {
var page = new AddTransactionPage();
await Navigation.PushAsync(page);