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Can I do PDO prepare statements with array and foreach loop

So I legit started to read about PDO and PDO statemnts to update my code and give it more security, but I don't really know if this is ok or is it possible to make injections. I also sanitize the data before making the array. I made this function o add data given the name table and an array with the columns names and values like this

$tabla = 'tabla'
$datos = array(
        'id' => 'NULL',
        'id_usuario' => "'{$usuario['id']}'",
        'id_tipo' => "'{$tipo}'",
        'id_estado' => "'{$estado}'",
        'id_visibilidad' => "'{$visibilidad}'",
        'titulo' => "'{$titulo}'",
        'contenido' => "'{$contenido}'",
        'fecha' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'

function pdo_agregar($tabla, $datos) {
  global $pdo;
  $columnas = implode(', ', array_keys($datos));
  $valores = implode(', ', array_values($datos));
  $sentencia = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO $tabla ($columnas) VALUES ($valores)");
  foreach($datos as $indice => $valor) {
    $sentencia->bindParam(':'.$indice, $valor);
  if($sentencia->execute()) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Is this okay? o Do i have to make statements like

$sentencia = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO $tabla (col, col2, col3) VALUES (:col, :col2, :col3");

And then bind params individually?

Thanks in advance!


  • You don't need these bind things, you can throw directly an array to the execute function of PDO (which does this binding for you).

    My array is as follow ["data" => "mydata", "data2" = "mysecond"] so I would generate a query like:

    INSERT INTO `Tab`(`data`, `data2`) VALUES (:data, :data2)

    And the code would be:

            foreach($data as $key=>$val){
                $keys[] = $key;
                $vals[] = ":".$key;
            $keys = "`".implode("`,`", $keys)."`";
            $vals = implode(",", $vals);
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `".$tab."`(".$keys.") VALUES (".$vals.")";
            $prep_insert = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);

    By the way, you should use classes and this, instead of this global things.