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IOS/Objective-C: Convert NSArray of Custom Objects to JSON

Based on the accepted answer to this answer, I am trying to send an array of custom objects via JSON to a server.

However, the following code to serialize the objects is crashing. I think it because NSJSONSerialization can only accept an NSDictionary, not a custom object.

NSArray <Offers *> *offers = [self getOffers:self.customer];
//Returns a valid array of offers as far as I can tell.
NSError *error;
//Following line crashes
NSData * JSONData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:offers

Can anyone suggest way to convert an array of custom objects to JSON?


  • Like you said, NSJSONSerialization only understands Dictionaries and Arrays. You'll have to provide a method in your custom class that converts its properties into a Dictionary, something like this:

    @interface Offers 
    @property NSString* title;
    -(NSDictionary*) toJSON;
    @implementation Offers
    -(NSDictionary*) toJSON {
        return @{
           @"title": self.title

    then you can change your code to

    NSArray <Offers *> *offers = [self getOffers:self.customer];
    NSMutableArray<NSDictionary*> *jsonOffers = [NSMutableArray array];
    for (Offers* offer in offers) {
        [jsonOffers addObject:[offer toJSON]];
    NSError *error;
    //Following line crashes
    NSData * JSONData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:jsonOffers