Let me preface my question with the fact that I am self taught, so please provide as much detail as possible and bear with me if I need you to explain differently or multiple times.
I created a notation/email generating tool for my team using Microsoft Visual Basic 7.0. The only complaint that I received on it was that many of them are not used to hot keys so they depend on using the mouse but right click didn't work. I was able to find code that creates a pop-up for copy and paste when they use right click, and it works great on the few textboxes that are on the main form itself, however it does not work on the majority of the textboxes as they are in a Multipage.
Does anyone know how to alter the below code to work for textboxes on a Multipage? Also, before it is suggested, I did toy with the idea of moving everything out of the Multipage, however that format is the easiest as there are multiple stages and types of notes/emails that they would need to send at any time, so having tabs available for them to simply click is the most user friendly that I was able to create and that they all agreed on.
Thank you all so much in advance!
Code in the form:
Dim cBar As clsBar
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
On Error GoTo Whoa
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set cBar = New clsBar
cBar.Initialize Me
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Letscontinue
End Sub
Code in a Class Module:
Option Explicit
'Popup objects
Private cmdBar As CommandBar
Private WithEvents cmdCopyButton As CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents cmdPasteButton As CommandBarButton
'Useform to use
Private fmUserform As Object
'Control array of textbox
Private colControls As Collection
'Textbox Control
Private WithEvents tbControl As MSForms.TextBox
'Adds all the textbox in the userform to use the popup bar
Sub Initialize(ByVal UF As Object)
Dim Ctl As MSForms.Control
Dim cBar As clsBar
For Each Ctl In UF.Controls
If TypeName(Ctl) = "TextBox" Then
'Check if we have initialized the control array
If colControls Is Nothing Then
Set colControls = New Collection
Set fmUserform = UF
'Create the popup
End If
'Create a new instance of this class for each textbox
Set cBar = New clsBar
cBar.AssignControl Ctl, cmdBar
'Add it to the control array
colControls.Add cBar
End If
Next Ctl
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'Delete the commandbar when the class is destroyed
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
'Click event of the copy button
Private Sub cmdCopyButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = True
End Sub
'Click event of the paste button
Private Sub cmdPasteButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = True
End Sub
'Right click event of each textbox
Private Sub tbControl_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 And Shift = 0 Then
'Display the popup
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CreateBar()
Set cmdBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(, msoBarPopup, False, True)
'We’ll use the builtin Copy and Paste controls
Set cmdCopyButton = cmdBar.Controls.Add(ID:=19)
Set cmdPasteButton = cmdBar.Controls.Add(ID:=22)
End Sub
'Assigns the Textbox and the CommandBar to this instance of the class
Sub AssignControl(TB As MSForms.TextBox, Bar As CommandBar)
Set tbControl = TB
Set cmdBar = Bar
End Sub
Get ActiveControl name on a Multipage control
It's necessary to know the multipage's selected Page
via a helper function (ActiveControlName) using SelectedItem
property and getting the control (its name) from there. Change your button click events as follows:
Relevant button click events in class module clsBar
'Click event of the copy button
Private Sub cmdCopyButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean)
Dim sACN As String
sACN = ActiveControlName(fmUserform) ' find control's name
' Debug.Print sACN & ".Copy"
fmUserform.Controls(sACN).Copy ' << instead of fmUserform.ActiveControl.Copy
CancelDefault = True
End Sub
'Click event of the paste button
Private Sub cmdPasteButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean)
Dim sACN As String
sACN = ActiveControlName(fmUserform)
' Debug.Print sACN & ".Paste"
fmUserform.Controls(sACN).Paste ' << instead of fmUserform.ActiveControl.Paste
CancelDefault = True
End Sub
Helper function called by above click events
Function ActiveControlName(form As UserForm) As String
'cf Site: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47745663/get-activecontrol-inside-multipage
'Purpose: get ActiveControl
Dim MyMultiPage As MSForms.MultiPage, myPage As MSForms.Page
If form.ActiveControl Is Nothing Then
' do nothing
ElseIf TypeName(form.ActiveControl) = "MultiPage" Then
Set MyMultiPage = form.ActiveControl
Set myPage = MyMultiPage.SelectedItem
ActiveControlName = myPage.ActiveControl.Name
ActiveControlName = form.ActiveControl.Name
End If
End Function
Side note
Suggest to check for the length of selected text strings in case of empty strings to prevent from unwanted results.