Say I have the following Bucklescript types:
type amqp;
[@bs.val] external amqpLib: amqp = "Amqp";
[@bs.module] external amqplib : amqp = "";
class type amqpConnectionT =
pub createChannel: unit => unit;
pub close: unit => unit
type amqpConnection = Js.t(amqpConnectionT);
let make = () => amqplib;
[@bs.send] external connect : (amqp, string) => Js.Promise.t(amqpConnection) = "";
let connectAmqp = (input: string, amqpClient: amqp) : Js.Promise.t(amqpConnection) => connect(amqpClient, input);
let makeConnection = (input) => make() |> connectAmqp(input, _);
and then the following code:
let start = () =>
|> Js.Promise.then_(connection => {
This fails with:
The record field createChannel can't be found.
Why? How is my type annotation incorrect?
And what is the correct way to expose member methods like this in ReasonML?
try connection##createChannel()
if it's coming from JS.
The compiler thinks that connection is a record as you're using the . accessor