I executing migration from a mobilefirst 7.0 project to mobilefirst 8.0
In 7.0 project there are some java files that does not belong to Adapters, but to server (utils and constant classes, for example).
Checking official documentation for migration purposes, I have not beenable to find anything about how to manage these kind of files.
Anyone could provide me some information about how to migrate this logic?
With MFP 8.0, the concept of packaging custom Java classes within the runtime war file does not exist.
However, you can still use the custom Java classes:
For the custom Java classes that would become your CustomLoginModule/Authenticator:
With MFP 8.0, customLoginModules and authenticators are replaced by SecurityCheck adapters. These are maven projects. The validation and code that was in your custom classes can be in your SecurityCheck adapter project.
Details here.
For custom Java classes that are invoked from Javascript adapters:
Javascript adapters are also maven projects. And the custom classes can be a part of the JS adapter project.
Details here.
Any other common / utility classes/jar files:
Add any JAR files that are not in the Maven repository:
Add the JAR files to a local repository, as described in Guide to installing third-party JARs, then add them to dependencies element.
Add the JAR files to the dependencies element by using the systemPath element. For more information, see Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism.
More reading about migrating adapters from earlier versions to MFP 8.0.