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Papa parse returns Data array in which everything is converted to string

I am parsing .CSV to Papa.parse with React, i am getting output something like this:

  {Year: "1929", BMW: "1896", Toyots: "9547", Mercedes: "4881"},
  {Year: "1930", BMW: "6548", Toyots: "4741", Mercedes: "8096"},
  {Year: "1931", BMW: "5013", Toyots: "6269", Mercedes: "3908"},
  {Year: "1932", BMW: "2468", Toyots: "9858", Mercedes: "1623"},
  {Year: "1933", BMW: "3364", Toyots: "5595", Mercedes: "8638"},
  {Year: "1934", BMW: "2032", Toyots: "2570", Mercedes: "8041"},
  {Year: "1935", BMW: "3579", Toyots: "6886", Mercedes: "6938"},
  {Year: "1936", BMW: "2865", Toyots: "3336", Mercedes: "1996"}

The problem is Papa.parse coverts everything to string under double quotation mark!

How can we convert back them to number? (if they were number in their original form! Problem is that some of the Field may not have number type, say location or address or name: they are string typo)

Or Is there any configuration for preventing Papa.parse to do so?


  • Enable the dynamicTyping option to retain numbers:

    const csv = "Year,BMW,Toyota,Mercedes,Location\n1929,1896,9547,4881,Germany"
    const csvData = Papa.parse(csv, {header:true, dynamicTyping: true}).data
    console.log(typeof csvData[0].Year);
    console.log(typeof csvData[0].Location);
    <script src="">