I am using pusher and xtermjs. For small outputs for commands like w
or free -m
it works fine. For large outputs for commands ps -aux
it doesnt work. The output is shown in the browser console but not in xtermjs output div.
Here is my pusher event handler.
this.term = new Terminal({
debug: true,
allowTransparency: true,
applicationCursor: true,
applicationKeypad: true,
normalFontWeight: 100,
fontSize: 14,
cursorBlink: true,
cursorStyle: 'block', // “block” | “underline” | “bar” *
let screenObject = this
let terminalObj = this.term
window.UserChannel.bind('com.testing.command.result', function (data) {
// console.log(data)
let text = data.payload.replace(/\n/g, '\r\n')
// terminalObj.fit()
// screenObject.hideHelpers()
The issue was with xterm-scroll-area. It was hiding data behind it. I had set style options as postion:absolute; z-index:0;
and it worked.