I am developing an ionic application by using Angularjs framework. I am facing a problem that my devextreme (dx-chart) component is not refreshing when my drop down change of value. When I console the value, I found my parameter succesfully pass to the function. However, my devextreme (dx-charts) component does not updated according to the new datasource. Any solution how to solve it?
The following is my source code.
Controller Code
.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, $http, $filter) {
var defaultYear = 2017;
var defaultMonth = 11;
getPieChatsData(defaultYear, defaultMonth);
$scope.showSelectYear = function(mySelectYear) {
getPieChatsData(mySelectYear, defaultMonth);
$scope.showSelectMonth = function(mySelectMonth){
getPieChatsData(defaultYear, mySelectMonth);
function getPieChatsData(defaultYear, defaultMonth)
$http.get('lib/stcust.json').then(function(response) {
var sales_targeted_year = ($filter('filter')(response.data, {caL_YEAR: defaultYear }));
var sales_targeted = ($filter('filter')(sales_targeted_year, {caL_MONTH: defaultMonth }));
var data_Source = new DevExpress.data.DataSource({
load: function () {
return VitalSignsDataService.ShowDataTable();
$scope.chartOptions = {
palette: "bright",
dataSource: sales_targeted,
title: "Targeted Sales",
legend: {
orientation: "horizontal",
itemTextPosition: "right",
horizontalAlignment: "center",
verticalAlignment: "bottom",
columnCount: 4
series: [{
argumentField: "cusT_CD",
valueField: "saleS_TARGET",
label: {
visible: true,
connector: {
visible: true,
width: 0.5
<ion-view view-title="Pie Chats">
<label class = "item item-input item-select">
<div class = "input-label">
Select Year
<select ng-model="mySelectYear" ng-change="showSelectYear(mySelectYear)">
<label class = "item item-input item-select">
<div class = "input-label">
Select Month
<select ng-model="mySelectMonth" ng-change="showSelectMonth(mySelectMonth)">
<div id="pie" dx-pie-chart="chartOptions"></div>
Move the sales_targeted variable to the angularjs scope and bind it to the chart's data source using bindingOptions. See the code snippet below.
$scope.sales_targeted = [];
$scope.chartOptions = {
palette: "bright",
bindingOptions: {
"dataSource": "sales_targeted"
title: "Targeted Sales",
legend: {
orientation: "horizontal",
itemTextPosition: "right",
horizontalAlignment: "center",
verticalAlignment: "bottom",
columnCount: 4
series: [{
argumentField: "cusT_CD",
valueField: "saleS_TARGET",
label: {
visible: true,
connector: {
visible: true,
width: 0.5
function getPieChatsData(defaultYear, defaultMonth) {
$http.get('lib/stcust.json').then(function(response) {
var sales_targeted_year = ($filter('filter')(response.data, { caL_YEAR: defaultYear }));
$scope.sales_targeted = ($filter('filter')(sales_targeted_year, { caL_MONTH: defaultMonth }));