Just want to remove only the inner tag "span" and don't want to remove the text inside it
<span>I don’t even bring up technology.</span>
I talk about the flow of data.”
<cite>–Rick Hassman, CIO, Pella</cite>
After parsing it should look like
I don’t even bring up technology.
I talk about the flow of data.”
<cite>–Rick Hassman, CIO, Pella</cite>
Please help..
The simplest way to solve it would be to use String.replace() method.
String newHtml = html.replaceAll( "<\\/?\\s*span.*?>", "");
If you prefer to use Jsoup, then it gets more complicated:
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
for (Element e : doc.select("span")) {
Element parent = e.parent();
Element newParent = parent.clone();
for (Node n : parent.childNodes()) {
if (n instanceof Element && ((Element) n).tag().getName().equals("span")) {
newParent.append(((Element) n).html());
} else {