As I understand Code First is building a model to work with EF4 in memory and where you can fine tune your mappings and stuff.
Based on what information is this model being build?
You see I have an existing application and am looking to change our DAL to code first, but I want to do it piece by piece. So I have a Context class like this:
Public Class JournalContext
Inherits DbContext
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Property JournalEntries As IDbSet(Of JournalEntry)
Protected Overrides Sub OnModelCreating(ByVal modelBuilder As System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.ModelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity(Of JournalEntry).Property(Function(e) e.Id).HasColumnName("JournalEntryId")
End Sub
End Class
EF is complaining when I use this class about other Entity types that has no key defined. But I don't want them to be in my model for EF.
It takes information from fluent mapping and mapped entity itself. So if your JournalEntity contains properties which returns other entities, I think EF will try to map them unless you explicitly exclude them from mapping.