Does EJB have clustering defined I have found clustering the Stateless or Statefull beans are platform specific for ex. Jboss has @Clustered annotation but in Payara ? I have the same application on multiple machines and I would like to perform a leader election or a kind of singletion call per whole cluster
The latest release (from 182) of Payara Server and Payara Micro has the ability to use clustered singletons, as described in this blog post:
You just need to use fish.payara.cluster.Clustered
(and make sure the bean is serializable) as the blog explains:
import fish.payara.cluster.Clustered;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
@Clustered @Singleton
public class MyClusteredSingletonEJB implements Serializable { /* ... */ }
@Clustered @ApplicationScoped
public class MyClusteredSingletonCDI implements Serializable { /* ... */ }