I have a list of points. I take first one and very next point (second point) and draw a line between first and second point.
I want to add another vertex in between existing points.
This is my method.
I'm calculating all points of lines. by using y = mx + c.
My problem is I'm able to get all vertical points x = a, some diagonal points and Horizontal points but not all. I need to know what is the cause and how can I fix it ?
I'm creating a bitmap overlay provided by ICImaging video grabber library.So I'm limited to pass only integer points to draw on screen.
private void btnAddPoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//IsLineSelected = true;
Debug.Print("Current Points in List ");
foreach (System.Drawing.Point P in PathPoints)
for (int IndexI = 0; IndexI != PathPoints.Count - 1; IndexI++)
if (IndexI == PathPoints.Count-1)
Debug.Print("P1:" + PathPoints[IndexI].ToString() + "P2:"+ PathPoints[IndexI+1].ToString());
ShapeDirectory.AllLinePoints(PathPoints[IndexI], PathPoints[IndexI + 1]);
foreach (System.Drawing.Point P in ShapeDirectory.LinePoints)
drawLinePoints = true;
public static void AllLinePoints(Point p1, Point p2)
double YDiff = p2.Y - p1.Y;
double XDiff = p2.X - p1.X;
double SlopM = Math.Round(Math.Abs(YDiff / XDiff));
double YinterceptB = Math.Round(Math.Abs(p1.Y - (SlopM * p1.X)));
Debug.Print("Slop: " + SlopM.ToString() + "Y Intercept: " + YinterceptB.ToString());
if (SlopM == 0)
if (Double.IsNegativeInfinity(SlopM) || Double.IsPositiveInfinity(SlopM))
int LowerBoundX = 0;
int LowerBoundY = 0;
int upperBoundX;
int upperBoundY;
double distanceBetwwenP1andp2 = GetDistanceBetween2points(p1, p2);
if (p1.X == p2.X )
LowerBoundX = p1.X;
upperBoundX = p2.X;
if (p1.Y <= p2.Y)
LowerBoundY = p1.Y;
upperBoundY = p2.Y;
LowerBoundY = p2.Y;
upperBoundY = p1.Y;
for (int YIndex = LowerBoundY; YIndex <= upperBoundY; YIndex++)
TempLinePoint.X = LowerBoundX;
TempLinePoint.Y = YIndex;
//Debug.Print("Current Line Points X: " + XIndex.ToString() + "Y: " + YIndex.ToString());
int LowerBoundX;
int LowerBoundY;
int upperBoundX;
int upperBoundY;
double distanceBetwwenP1andp2 = GetDistanceBetween2points(p1, p2);
if (p1.X <= p2.X && p1.Y <= p2.Y)
LowerBoundX = p1.X;
upperBoundX = p2.X;
LowerBoundY = p1.Y;
upperBoundY = p2.Y;
LowerBoundX = p2.X;
upperBoundX = p1.X;
LowerBoundY = p2.Y;
upperBoundY = p1.Y;
//if Vertical
for (int YIndex = LowerBoundY; YIndex <= upperBoundY; YIndex++)
for (int XIndex = LowerBoundX; XIndex <= upperBoundX; XIndex++)
if (YIndex == (SlopM * XIndex) + YinterceptB)
TempLinePoint.X = XIndex;
TempLinePoint.Y = YIndex;
//Debug.Print("Current Line Points X: " + XIndex.ToString() + "Y: " + YIndex.ToString());
I have changed my method.
Code is in the answer.
public static double GetAngleBetweenPoints(Point p1, Point p2)
double xDiff = p2.X - p1.X;
double yDiff = p1.Y - p2.Y;
double Angle = Math.Atan2(yDiff, xDiff) * (180 / Math.PI);
if (Angle < 0.0)
Angle = Angle + 360.0;
return Angle;
public static GenericList<Point> PointAddingByAngle(GenericList<Point> LinePoints2)
List<int> AnglefromCenterPointsofShapePoint = new List<int>();
List<Point> Linepoints3 = new List<Point>(LinePoints2);
List<Point> LinePoints = Linepoints3.Distinct().ToList();
Point CenterPoint = new Point();
CenterPoint.X = PolygonCenterX;
CenterPoint.Y = PolygonCenterY;
for (int index = 0; index < LinePoints.Count; index++)
AnglefromCenterPointsofShapePoint.Add((int) Math.Round(GetAngleBetweenPoints(CenterPoint, LinePoints[index])));
int currentPointAngle = 0;
for (int AngleListIndex = 0; AngleListIndex < AnglefromCenterPointsofShapePoint.Count; AngleListIndex++)
currentPointAngle = AnglefromCenterPointsofShapePoint[AngleListIndex];
for (int index = 0; index < LinePoints.Count; index++)
if ((Math.Round(GetAngleBetweenPoints(CenterPoint, LinePoints[index]))) == currentPointAngle)
return SortedPoints;
private void pictureBox_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (PathPoints.Count > 2)
IsPathComplete = true;
IsPointSelected = false;
StartingPoint = PathPoints[0];
EndingPoint = PathPoints[PathPoints.Count - 1];
if (IsPathComplete && NewPointAdd)
System.Drawing.Point Centerpoint = new System.Drawing.Point();
Centerpoint.X = PolygonCenterX;
Centerpoint.Y = PolygonCenterY;
lblAngle.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(ShapeDirectory.GetAngleBetweenPoints(Centerpoint, e.Location)));
PathPoints3 = ShapeDirectory.PointAddingByAngle(PathPoints);
foreach (System.Drawing.Point p in PathPoints3)
NewPointAddDraw = true;