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How to force dijit/form/TextBox to update the variable bound to it immediately - binding does not work as expected

I have an

<input id="myTextBox" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" data-dojo-props="value: at(model, myValue)" />

When I try to copy the value from model.myValue to another input (e.g. by

  function() { document.getElementById("theOtherInput").value = model.myValue; }, 1000); 

I notice, that the value of myTextBox isn't synchronized with model.myValue until the <input> of myTextBox lost focus. I.e. - theOtherInput won't be updated unless I leave the input field myTextBox.

How to force dojo to synchronize the input with the bound variable with every keystroke? I thought that this should have been the default behavior or at least it should be possible with little effort, but I don't find the right attribute to do it. Any ideas?

The main problem for me is, when I submit the form by the enter key, the model.myValue has still the value before the input myTextBox got the focus. (and I don't want a hack with setInterval - I just want to have dojo doing its job of synchronizing the input with the model)


  • The closest you can get is setting intermediateChanges property to true and attach an onChange event. Something like this:

    <input id="myTextBox" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" 
           data-dojo-props="intermediateChanges: true"
           data-dojo-attach-event="onChange: _myOnChange"
           data-dojo-props="value: at(model, myValue)" />

    Now, inside your widget, the _myOnChange function will run with each valuable keystroke or if the content is changed.

    _myOnChange: function(newValue){
      document.getElementById("theOtherInput").value = newValue;