We're using crnk for json-api both server-side as client-side implementation.
Does the server implementation for jpa bindings support subrelation filters?
We want to filter on all series which have events after a specific starttime.
We seperated the json-api and JPA entity classes. Please see below for both json-api as entity classes
e.g. The url I use (and is generated by crnk client code):
The error we receive is:
errors: [
status: "500",
detail: "failed to resolve path [titles, startTime]"
Class implementation:
@JsonApiResource(type = "EpgShow")
public class EpgSeriesDto {
private Integer serieId;
@JsonApiRelation(opposite = "epgShow", lookUp = LookupIncludeBehavior.AUTOMATICALLY_WHEN_NULL, serialize = SerializeType.ONLY_ID, repositoryBehavior = RelationshipRepositoryBehavior.FORWARD_OWNER)
private Set<EpgTitleDto> titles;
@JsonApiResource(type = "EpgTitle")
public class EpgTitleDto {
private Long id;
@JsonApiRelation(opposite = "titles", lookUp = LookupIncludeBehavior.AUTOMATICALLY_WHEN_NULL, serialize = SerializeType.ONLY_ID)
private EpgSeriesDto epgShow;
public class Serie {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "serie_id", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Integer serieId;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "epgShow")
private Set<Event> titles = new HashSet<Event>(0);
public class Event {
@Column(name = "start_time")
private ZonedDateTime startTime;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "serie_id")
private Serie epgShow;
there are three different kinds of filters:
the former two are supported, not so far directly the last one. For the later it so far supports "computed" attributes where the value is derived from a Criteria API or QueryDSL expression which allows arbitrary complex SQL. Those in turn can return again a simple result that can be filtered and sorted. In this example, that could be a minStartTime and maxStartTime on the main resource.
but if desired, it would also be possible to add support for filtering multi-valued relationships. One possiblity would be to make use of EXISTS subqueries. Or a more advanced one may support different strategies. PRs in that regards would be welcomed.