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How to copy 100 files to a folder based on first and last file name and display in listbox vba

Im trying to come up with a piece of script that will allow me to copy 100 files from one folder and create a new folder based on the first file and last file name and then move those 100 files to that folder. After moving those files, i want it to display the folders in a userform listbox as clickable items. For example, each item in the listbox will be a folder, if i double click on a folders name it will display all the contents of the file (of each of 100 files) in a sheet i've set up.

I haven't been able to test this code yet, all i've done for the past week was research and rewrite the code over and over until i could understand it properly before adding it to the program. So there's bound to be some or more errors along the way.

What i did notice was the "objFile.CopyFile Folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount" piece of code that doesnt specify which files could be copied specifically. For example, i want it to start at the first file and start coping the first 100 files, when the code is executed again, it will start at file 101 and copy the next 100 files. If there's way to ensure that it wouldnt keep copying the first 100 files, that would be awesome!

Sub Main()

    Dim filename, folderpath, path As String
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim FCount, LCount, FlagCount, IntCount As Integer
    Dim objFSO As Object
    Dim obj As Object

    FCount = 0                                        ' First File name
    LCount = 0                                        'Last file name
    count = 0                                         'file count
    FlagCount = Sheets("Flag Sheet").Range("A2").Value

    folderpath = "Work\Big Book\"                     '==================Location Of The Book
    path = folderpath & "*.xls"
    filename = Dir(path)

    Do While filename <> ""
        count = count + 1
        filename = Dir(path)
If count < 100 Then


        If FlagCount <> "" Then                       '====If there is a flag count, it will create a folder based on the last number it was used
            FCount = FlagCount + 1
            LCount = FlagCount + 101
            MkDir folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount
        Else                                          '=======================else if there isnt one, it will use the first file name to create the folder
            FCount = IntCount + 1
            LCount = IntCount + 100
            MkDir folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount
        End If

        '====MOVE 100 FILES TO FOLDER====

        For Each objFile In objFSO.GetFolder(path)
            If FlagCount <> "" Then                   '====================if theres a flag count it will move the files starting after the flag count + 101
                objFile.CopyFile folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount
                IntCount = FlagCount + 1
                If IntCount = FlagCount + 100 Then Exit For
            Else                                      '======================================else it will just move the first 100 files
                objFile.CopyFile folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount
                IntCount = IntCount + 1
                If IntCount = IntCount + 100 Then Exit For
            End If

    End If

    '===Do Nothing===
End If

End Sub

'=====Display Folders In Listbox=====
    '====Display Folder Items In Book====

'Call the function
DisplayFoldersInListBox folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount, Me.Listbox1

Sub Button_Click()

    For Each File in Folderpath & FCount & "_" & LCount & "\" & Listbox.value


End Sub

Private Sub DisplayFoldersInListBox(ByVal strRootFolder As String, ByRef lbxDisplay As MSForms.ListBox)

    Dim fso As Object
    Dim fsoRoot As Object
    Dim fsoFolder As Object

    'Make sure that root folder contains trailing backslash
    If Right$(strRootFolder, 1) <> "\" Then strRootFolder = strRootFolder & "\"

    'Get reference to the FileSystemObject
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Get the root folder
    Set fsoRoot = fso.GetFolder(strRootFolder)

    'Clear the listbox

    'Populate the listbox with subfolders of Root
    For Each fsoFolder In fsoRoot.SubFolders
        lbxDisplay.AddItem fsoFolder.Name
    Next fsoFolder

    'Clean up
    Set fsoRoot = Nothing
    Set fso = Nothing

End Sub

This link: Copy only the first file of a folder VBA Seems to be the answer for the coping of the files, but im not entirely sure how to add it to my script. Can anyone help me out?


  • Back to the basics:


    Sub CopyXNumberOfFiles(SourceFolder As String, TargetFolder As String, Optional MaxNumFiles As Long = 100)
        Dim fso As Object, objFile As Object
        Dim count As Long
        Dim Path As String
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If Not Right(SourceFolder, 1) = "\" Then SourceFolder = SourceFolder & "\"
        If Not Right(TargetFolder, 1) = "\" Then TargetFolder = TargetFolder & "\"
        For Each objFile In fso.GetFolder(SourceFolder).Files
            If objFile.Path Like "*.xls?" Then
                Path = TargetFolder & objFile.Name
                If Len(Dir(Path)) = 0 Then
                    FileCopy objFile.Path, Path
                    count = count + 1
                    If count >= MaxNumFiles Then Exit For
                End If
            End If
    End Sub


     CopyXNumberOfFiles "C:\","C:\Data"


    This function will copy the files over and return an array of the new file paths.

    Function getCopyXNumberOfFiles(SourceFolder As String, TargetFolder As String, Optional MaxNumFiles As Long = 100) As String()
        Dim fso As Object, objFile As Object
        Dim count As Long, n As Long
        Dim Path As String
        Dim data() As String, results() As String
        ReDim data(1 To 2, 1 To MaxNumFiles)
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If Not Right(SourceFolder, 1) = "\" Then SourceFolder = SourceFolder & "\"
        If Not Right(TargetFolder, 1) = "\" Then TargetFolder = TargetFolder & "\"
        For Each objFile In fso.GetFolder(SourceFolder).Files
            If objFile.Path Like "*.xls?" Then
                Path = TargetFolder & objFile.Name
                If Len(Dir(Path)) = 0 Then
                    FileCopy objFile.Path, Path
                    count = count + 1
                    data(1, count) = objFile.Path
                    data(2, count) = Path
                    If count >= MaxNumFiles Then Exit For
                End If
            End If
        ReDim Preserve results(1 To count, 1 To 2)
        For n = 1 To count
            results(n, 1) = data(1, n)
            results(n, 2) = data(2, n)
        getCopyXNumberOfFiles = results
    End Function


    Column 1 has the original paths and column 2 has the new paths.

    Dim Files() as String, firstFilePath as String, lastFilePath as String
    Files = getCopyXNumberOfFiles("C:\", "C:\New Folder\", 100)

    Original Paths

    firstFilePath  = Files(1, 1)
    lastFilePath  = Files(Ubound(Files), 1)

    New Paths

    firstFilePath  = Files(1, 2)
    lastFilePath  = Files(Ubound(Files), 2)