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How to perform ASP.NET Core execution outside of the initial pooled thread to a non-pooled thread?

Consider the normal scenario where an ASP.NET Core Web API application executes the service Controller action, but instead of executing all the work under the same thread (thread pool thread) until the response is created, I would like to use non-pooled threads (ideally pre-created) to execute the main work, either by scheduling one of these threads from the initial action pooled thread and free the pooled thread for serving other incoming requests, or passing the job to a pre-created non-pooled thread.

Among other reasons, the main reason to have these non-pooled and long running threads is that some requests may be prioritized and their threads put on hold (synchronized), thus it would not block new incoming requests to the API due to thread pool starvation, but older requests on hold (non-pooled threads) may be waked up and rejected and some sort of call back to the thread pool to return the web response back to the clients.

In summary, the ideal solution would be using a synchronization mechanism (like .NET RegisterWaitForSingleObject) where the pooled thread would hook to the waitHandle but be freed up for other thread pool work, and a new non-pooled thread would be created or used to carry on the execution. Ideally from a list of pre-created and idle non-pooled threads.

Seems async-await only works with Tasks and threads from the .NET thread pool, not with other threads. Also most techniques to create non-pooled threads do not allow the pooled thread to be free and return to the pool.

Any ideas? I'm using .NET Core and latest versions of tools and frameworks.


  • Thank you for the comments provided. The suggestion to check TaskCompletionSource was fundamental. So my goal was to have potentially hundreds or thousands of API requests on ASP.NET Core and being able to serve only a portion of them at a given time frame (due to backend constraints), choosing which ones should be served first and hold the others until backends are free or reject them later. Doing all this with thread pool threads is bad: blocking/holding and having to accept thousands in short time (thread pool size growing).

    The design goal was the request jobs to move their processing from the ASP.NET threads to non pooled threads. I plan to to have these pre-created in reasonable numbers to avoid the overhead of creating them all the time. These threads implement a generic request processing engine and can be reused for subsequent requests. Blocking these threads to manage request prioritization is not a problem (using synchronization), most of them will not use CPU at all time and the memory footprint is manageable. The most important is that the thread pool threads will only be used on the very start of the request and released right away, to be only be used once the request is completed and return a response to the remote clients.

    The solution is to have a TaskCompletionSource object created and passed to an available non-pooled thread to process the request. This can be done by queuing the request data together with the TaskCompletetionSource object on the right queue depending the type of service and priority of the client, or just passing it to a newly created thread if none available. The ASP.NET controller action will await on the TaskCompletionSouce.Task and once the main processing thread sets the result on this object, the rest of the code from the controller action will be executed by a pooled thread and return the response to the client. Meanwhile, the main processing thread can either be terminated or go get more request jobs from the queues.

    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    namespace MyApi.Controllers
        public class ValuesController : Controller
            public static readonly object locker = new object();
            public static DateTime time;
            public static volatile TaskCompletionSource<string> tcs;
            // GET api/values
            public async Task<string> Get()
                time = DateTime.Now;
                ShowThreads("Starting Get Action...");
                // Using await will free the pooled thread until a Task result is available, basically
                // returns a Task to the ASP.NET, which is a "promise" to have a result in the future.
                string result = await CreateTaskCompletionSource();
                // This code is only executed once a Task result is available: the non-pooled thread 
                // completes processing and signals (TrySetResult) the TaskCompletionSource object
                ShowThreads($"Signaled... Result: {result}");
                ShowThreads("End Get Action!");
                return result;
            public static Task<string> CreateTaskCompletionSource()
                ShowThreads($"Start Task Completion...");
                string data = "Data";
                tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
                // Create a non-pooled thread (LongRunning), alternatively place the job data into a queue
                // or similar and not create a thread because these would already have been pre-created and
                // waiting for jobs from queues. The point is that is not mandatory to create a thread here.
                Task.Factory.StartNew(s => Workload(data), tcs, 
                    CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
                ShowThreads($"Task Completion created...");
                return tcs.Task;
            public static void Workload(object data)
                // I have put this Sleep here to give some time to show that the ASP.NET pooled
                // thread was freed and gone back to the pool when the workload starts.
                ShowThreads($"Started Workload... Data is: {(string)data}");
                ShowThreads($"Going to signal...");
                // Signal the TaskCompletionSource that work has finished, wich will force a pooled thread 
                // to be scheduled to execute the final part of the APS.NET controller action and finish.
                // tcs.TrySetResult("Done!");
                Task.Run((() => tcs.TrySetResult("Done!")));
                // The only reason I show the TrySetResult into a task is to free this non-pooled thread 
                // imediately, otherwise the following line would only be executed after ASP.NET have 
                // finished processing the response. This briefly activates a pooled thread just execute 
                // the TrySetResult. If there is no problem to wait for ASP.NET to complete the response, 
                // we do it synchronosly and avoi using another pooled thread.
                ShowThreads("End Workload");
            public static void ShowThreads(string message = null)
                int maxWorkers, maxIos, minWorkers, minIos, freeWorkers, freeIos;
                lock (locker)
                    double elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(time).TotalSeconds;
                    ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out maxWorkers, out maxIos);
                    ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorkers, out minIos);
                    ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out freeWorkers, out freeIos);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Used WT: {maxWorkers - freeWorkers}, Used IoT: {maxIos - freeIos} - "+
                                      $"+{elapsed.ToString("0.000 s")} : {message}");

    I have placed the whole sample code so anyone can easily create as ASP.NET Core API project and test it without any changes. Here is the resulting output:

    MyApi> Now listening on: http://localhost:23145
    MyApi> Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
    MyApi> Used WT: 1, Used IoT: 0 - +0.012 s : Starting Get Action...
    MyApi> Used WT: 1, Used IoT: 0 - +0.015 s : Start Task Completion...
    MyApi> Used WT: 1, Used IoT: 0 - +0.035 s : Task Completion created...
    MyApi> Used WT: 0, Used IoT: 0 - +0.135 s : Started Workload... Data is: Data
    MyApi> Used WT: 0, Used IoT: 0 - +10.135 s : Going to signal...
    MyApi> Used WT: 2, Used IoT: 0 - +10.136 s : Signaled... Result: Done!
    MyApi> Used WT: 1, Used IoT: 0 - +11.142 s : End Workload
    MyApi> Used WT: 1, Used IoT: 0 - +12.136 s : End Get Action!

    As you can see the pooled thread runs until the await on the TaskCompletionSource creation, and by the time the Workload starts to process the request on the non-pooled thread there is ZERO ThreadPool threads being used and remains using no pooled threads for the entire duration of the processing. When the Run.Task executes the TrySetResult fires a pooled thread for a brief moment to trigger the rest of the controller action code, reason the Worker thread count is 2 for a moment, then a fresh pooled thread runs the rest of the ASP.NET controller action to finish with the response.