I wrote this script to output a table formatted file:
$VMs = Get-AzureRmVM
$vmOutput = $VMs | ForEach-Object {
"VM Name" = $_.Name
"VM Type" = $_.StorageProfile.osDisk.osType
"VM Profile" = $_.HardwareProfile.VmSize
"VM OS Disk Size" = $_.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskSizeGB
"VM Data Disk Size" = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks.DiskSizeGB) -join ','
$vmOutput | export-csv C:\***\data.csv -delimiter ";" -force -notypeinformation
Is there any possibility to sum "VM Data Disk Size" for each object? I used -join parameter only because data wasn't properly exported, because of more than one data disk per vm.
if you have an array of numbers and you want to sum them use:
($NumArray | Measure -Sum).Sum
in your case it would be:
"VM Data Disk Size" = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks.DiskSizeGB | Measure -Sum).Sum
is an alias for Measure-Object
if you're looking for the help pages or anything, it can also do Average, Min/Max etc.