I have previously used Telerik's RadNumericTextBox for giving input of decimals like below:
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="txtNewAmt" runat="server" EnableViewState="false"
Width="100px" CssClass="input" Type="Number" EnabledStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"
PlacesBeforeDecimal="11" NumberFormat-DecimalDigits="2">
<ClientEvents OnKeyPress="validateRegExMaskNumeric" />
Here, in the input,
But, i don't want to use Telerik anymore.
How to mask the same thing using Jquery
? Can it be handled using asp:Textbox
I have to choose between jQuery Mask Plugin and MaskInput Plugin. jQuery Mask Plguin is bulkier than MaskInput as it contains more features. But, for my need, i chose MaskInput Plugin.