I am in the process of creating an XML document using XDocument in C#. I am iterating through a collection of objects that has another collection in it. Here is an example of what I am trying to create.
Now using my code below I can add all of the documents and their fields using my foreach loop on the main object but I am not able to add the associated Address for each document using the second foreach loop which is inside the first foreach loop. The main problem I seem to be having is when I come across a document, say 5 documents into my collection, the second foreach loop places the address of that 5th document into the 1st's documents address block. I need it to go with the 5th's document and not the 1st.
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(@"C:\XML_Template\", "XMLTemplate.xml"));
XElement rootElement = xmlDoc.Element("DOCUMENTS");
foreach (var pdf in PDFDocInfo) {
new XElement("DOCUMENT",
new XElement("Field_1", pdf.F1),
new XElement("Field_2", pdf.F2),
new XElement("Field_3", pdf.F3),
new XElement("Field_4", pdf.F4),
foreach (var address in pdf.Address) {
new XElement("Address",
new XElement("Item1", address.I1),
new XElement("Item2", address.I2));
Any help is appreciated.
On the first iteration, you create a Document element, populate the fields, and add the Address element. On the second iteration, you add a second Document element, populate the fields, and then add an Address element to the FIRST Document element (rootElement.Element("DOCUMENT") gets the first "DOCUMENT" element).
I would instead create each new "DOCUMENT", including the Address, then add that to DOCUMENTS.
foreach (var pdf in PDFDocInfo) {
// create a "Document" element
newDoc = new XElement("DOCUMENT",
new XElement("Field_1", pdf.F1),
new XElement("Field_2", pdf.F2),
new XElement("Field_3", pdf.F3),
new XElement("Field_4", pdf.F4),
// add any Address elements to newDoc
foreach (var address in pdf.Address) {
new XElement("Address",
new XElement("Item1", address.I1),
new XElement("Item2", address.I2));
// add newDoc to Documents