In my Rails 4 app, I have a form for the user to set a new password. I want to test this with Capybara and test the order of the input fields as I need to be sure they are always in a certain order in the UI.
in my UI I have:
input[@id = "user_current_password"]
input[@id = "user_password"]
input[@id = "user_password_confirmation"]
My test, for now, looks like:
it 'changing the expired password' do
expect(rendered).to have_content("Update Password")
expect(rendered).to have_content("Current Password:")
expect(rendered).to have_content("New Password:")
expect(rendered).to have_content("Confirm New Password:")
expect_submit_button("Change Password")
# Boxes order
current_password = page.has_xpath?('//input[@id = "user_current_password"]')
new_password = page.has_xpath?('//input[@id = "user_password"]')
confirm_new_password = page.has_xpath?('//input[@id = "user_password_confirmation"]')
I need to add a way to check the input fields are always in the same order. So if for some reason the order change I see the test fail.
in view specs is just a string containing the HTML so depending on exactly what the HTML looks like the simplest method would just be a regexp
If you wanted to get more "correct" and actually verify structure you could potentially use has_xpath?
using the following-sibling
axis or possibly has_css?
with an adjacent sibling selector (+), but to provide those queries we'd need to see the actual HTML.