Search code examples

Perform JavaScript function based on location in page (cells)?

I have a page that collects, which classes students are going to take and displays both the Course Title and the Catalog Number in a table. If the student selects a Course Title, it will automatically fill in what the Catalog Number is in the next cell, and vice-versa.

The only problem I'm having is, when you fill in one Course Title, it fills every single Catalog Number cell there is (and vice-versa).

          <input list="courses" name="courseInput" placeholder="Course" oninput="UpdateCatNumbers()">
          <datalist id="courses" name="courseDatalist">
		<!--Filled in script-->					
          <input list="catalogs" name="catalogInput" placeholder="Catalog Number" id="catalogID" oninput="UpdateCourseNames()">
          <datalist id="catalogs" name="catalogDatalist">
		<!--Filled in script-->
        <td><input list="courses" name="courseInput" placeholder="Course" oninput="UpdateCatNumbers()"></td>
        <td><input list="catalogs" name="catalogInput" placeholder="Catalog Number" id="catalogID" oninput="UpdateCourseNames()"></td>
        <td><input list="courses" name="courseInput" placeholder="Course" oninput="UpdateCatNumbers()"></td>
        <td><input list="catalogs" name="catalogInput" placeholder="Catalog Number" id="catalogID" oninput="UpdateCourseNames()"></td>
        <td><input list="courses" name="courseInput" placeholder="Course" oninput="UpdateCatNumbers()"></td>
        <td><input list="catalogs" name="catalogInput" placeholder="Catalog Number" id="catalogID" oninput="UpdateCourseNames()"></td>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="testTemplateJS.js"></script>
    //Course Names
    var courseNames = ["Class A", "Class B", "Class C", "Class D", "Class E"];
    var list = $('#courses')[0];

    courseNames.forEach(function(item) {
      var option = document.createElement('option');
      option.value = item;
    //Catalog Numbers
    var catNumbers = ["Catalog 1", "Catalog 2", "Catalog 3", "Catalog 4", "Catalog 5"];
    var list = $('#catalogs')[0];

    catNumbers.forEach(function(item) {
      var option = document.createElement('option');
      option.value = item;
    function UpdateCatNumbers() {
      //on change of courseInput, run...
      $("input[name=courseInput]").change(function() {
        //declare a as the array index # of courseNames
        var a = courseNames.indexOf($(this).val());
        //change catalog input to display the same array index of catNumbers
    function UpdateCourseNames() {
      $("input[name=catalogInput]").change(function() {
        var b = catNumbers.indexOf($(this).val());

How do I get it so the UpdateCatNumbers() and UpdateCourseNames() functions only populate the cell directly next to them?


  • So you need to apply the value to one other input only. In this case you can use jQuery eq(index) - with it you can select single element from a jQuery collection based on an index:

    $("input[name=courseInput]").each(function(index) {
        $(this).change(function() {
            var a = courseNames.indexOf($(this).val());