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The attachments is empty in mailmessageattachments

When I execute the query as shown the attachment is always empty. I would expect that the contents of the attachment with name AttachmentFileName would be in the column Attachment.

How do I retrieve the blob of the file?

select /*+ join_set(mat, mailmessageid, 5000) */ mat.Attachment xmlfilecontents
,      mat.division || '-' || AttachmentFileName filename
from   mailmessagesreceived mre
join   MailMessageAttachments mat
on     mat.mailmessageid =
and    mat.Type in ( 20, 22 ) /* 20: UBL 2.0, 22: Simplerinvoicing 1.0 */
where  mre.SenderMailbox = ''
and    mre.created >= add_months(trunc(sysdate, -1), -10)
and    mat.FileSize > 0


  • The column Attachment stores the attachment directly associated with the received Exact Online MailMessage, as long as the mail message hasn't been processed. In that case, the attachment is forwarded to Documents.

    However, the Exact Online invoices itself are retrieved indirectly. The Internet location is in the field Url. It is also available in the table using the column AttachmentFromUrl.