In my code I use two instances of .Find
, combined with a .FindNext
. Which is notoriously prone to errors, unfortunately I'm no exception. However this is the best I could come up with. Code below, where I stripped most irrelevant stuff.
The problem is that there are duplicate values, which I want to keep both, so I decided to use .Findnext
if there is a duplicate, using:
If newqst = refqst Then
Set newqstadrs = Findrange.FindNext(after:=lstqstadrs)
The problem here is that .FindNext
doesn't respect that it should continue on the Findrange.Find
, but continues on the FindRangeTwo.Find
used here:
newrowtwo = FindRangeTwo.Find(rCell.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).row
Full Code:
For o = 72 To lastrow
Dim refqst As String
refqst = wss.Cells(o, 1).Value
If Not refqst = "" Then
If InStr(refqst, ".") > 0 Then
Dim Findrange As Range
Dim newqst As String
Dim newqstadrs As Range
Dim lstqstadrs As Range
If newqst = refqst Then
Set newqstadrs = Findrange.FindNext(after:=lstqstadrs)
Select Case Left(refqst, 1)
Case 1
Set Findrange = wsa.Range(wsa.Cells(4, gewaskolom), wsa.Cells(11, gewaskolom))
'some more cases here
End Select
Set newqstadrs = Findrange.Find(refqst, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
End If
If newqstadrs Is Nothing Then
newqst = newqstadrs.Value
Dim newrow As Long
newrow = Findrange.Find(refqst, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).row
Dim lstqst As String
If Not wsa.Cells(newrow, 1) = "" Then
'do some stuff
lstqst = refqst
Set lstqstadrs = newqstadrs
ElseIf Not wsa.Cells(newrow, 2) = "" Then
Dim FindRangeTwo As Range
Set FindRangeTwo = wsa.Range(wsa.Cells(newrow, gewaskolom), wsa.Cells(wsa.Range("B" & newrow).End(xlDown).row, gewaskolom))
Dim SearchRange As Range
Set SearchRange = wss.Range(wss.Cells(o + 1, 1), wss.Cells(wss.Range("B" & o).End(xlDown).row, 1))
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In SearchRange
Dim newrowtwo As Long
newrowtwo = FindRangeTwo.Find(rCell.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).row
'do some more stuff
Next rCell
lstqst = refqst
Set lstqstadrs = newqstadrs
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next o
You can only have one Find/FindNext pair. The second overrides the first. You need an alternate method for FindRangeTwo. Given that FindRangeTwo is a single column (gewaskolom) and you are looking for the row, application.match should do nicely.
Something like this,
dim newrowtwo as variant '<~~ should be variant type for IsError to catch
newrowtwo = application.match(rCell.Value, FindRangeTwo, 0)
if not iserror(newrowtwo) then
end if
Note that application.match is returning the position within FindRangeTwo, not the row on the worksheet. The actual row on the worksheet would be (newrowtwo + newrow - 1).