My problem is : I downloaded on EXCEL all the members of an index and I added "Equity" to get the ticker of the equity but I cannot get the ticker of the CDS. I succeed to got the BB number of each cds (6M, 1Y, 2Y, 5Y, 10Y etc..). But from that, I cannot get the Full name. For instance for the french bank BNP paribas : Full name is BNP CDS EUR SR 5Y D14 and bb Number is CBNPE5. I have tried to download CDS price with tickers like NAME_CORP & "CDS EUR..". But it only works for few companies. Does someone have a solution ?
My goal is to be able from the equity ticker of a company to download with BDH and "px_last" the prices of the CDSs in the last two or five years.
I hope that my problem is clear and I thank you for your help.
Have a good day.
I asked the Bloomberg service: the right way to do it is to find the cds ticker with BDP and the field "CDS_SPREAD_TICkER_5T") and then use the result (called RES) with BDP (RES & "Curncy","px_last").