Does anyone know of a good plugin for prototype which allows textareas to automatically expand / contract based on how much text there is in them (e.g. a line is added the area gets bigger, a line is removed it gets smaller)?
I need one thats free to use (e.g. some form of GPL type license).
This uses Prototype:
<textarea id='t1' cols="40" rows="7" style='overflow:hidden;font-size:14px;font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif'></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
function activateResize(element) {
Event.observe(element, 'keyup', function() {
function updateSize(element) {
//if scrollbars appear, make it bigger, unless it's bigger then the user's browser area.
if(Element.getHeight(element)<$(element).scrollHeight&&Element.getHeight(element)<document.viewport.getHeight()) {
$(element).style.height = $(element).getHeight()+15+'px'
if(Element.getHeight(element)<$(element).scrollHeight) {