I am working with angular 6 and angular material 6. Here i am trying to create multilevel menu with breadcrumb. I have worked multilevel menu with properly but can not able to navigate menu with selected breadcrumb. When i click on the selected breadcrumb then the menu not getting organized appropriately.
My demo link : stackblitz link here
@hi Monir tuhin
You can try this Solution.
I Have create a demo on Stackblitz.
breadCrumb(menu, index) {
console.log('sub breadCrumb');
this.menuHeader.splice(index + 1, this.menuHeader.length - 1);
if (menu[index] && menu[index].items && menu[index].items.length) {
this.appitemsTravel = menu[index].items;
<mat-toolbar color="primary" style="height: 45px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #E6E8EA">
<span><a mat-button (click)="breadCrumbMain()" style="color: white;">Main</a></span>
<span *ngFor="let m of menuHeader; let indx = index" style="color: white;">
<a mat-button (click)="breadCrumb(menuHeader, indx)" >{{m.label}}
<mat-icon fxFlex="10">{{m.icon}}</mat-icon></a>