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How to generate `by lazy` using KotlinPoet

I want to generate code like this:

class B private constructor() : A {

    companion object {
        val instance: B by lazy(mode = LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED) {

Using KotlinPoet:

private fun genCompanionObject() = TypeSpec.companionObjectBuilder()

How to generate by lazy(mode = LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED)? I can not find some useful APIs in document.


  • You're looking for the PropertySpec.Builder.delegate methods. You provide a CodeBlock representing the initializer that represents the delegate.

    Specifically for the code you want:

        .beginControlFlow("lazy(mode = %T.SYNCHRONIZED)", LazyThreadSafetyMode::class.asTypeName())
        .add("B()") // Or however you want to implement this