I'm a beginner in Lua and I just found out some functions look like table (e.g. function love.update(dt)
) in Lua.
I wonder how these functions work. For example, does update
function belong to table love
? If so, should one construct this table somewhere beforehand?
Lastly, I would like to ask how to call these kind of functions from C++. (Please show me an example how to call love.update()
from C++)
Question 1: Does update function belongs to table love?
Yes. "function love.update(dt)" is equal to "love.update = function (dt)".
Question 2: Should one construct this table somewhere beforehand?
Question 3: How to call these kind of functions from C++?
I assume that "love" can be accessed from global.
void call_love_update (lua_State* l) {
lua_getglobal(l, "love");
lua_getfield(l, -1, "update");
lua_pushnumber(l, 0.016);
lua_call(l, 1, LUA_MULTRET);