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Iconvertible Issue with dapper C#

I'm trying to get a value from the database using Dapper but when I execute the query<> instruction I receive an "object must implement Iconvertible" exception. What I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it?

The error occurred when I call the Decrypt method and it call the ExceuteQuery Function.



ServiceSettingsEntity appSetting = MainRepository.GetConfigSettings(appSettingKey.ToString(), companyCode);
if (appSetting.IsEncrypted)
    appSetting.Value = MainRepository.Decrypt(appSetting.Value);
    return appSetting.Value.Trim();

Decrypt Funtion

public static string Decrypt(string encryptedData)

    CommandSettings commandSettings = new CommandSettings
        CommandText = @"[Utility].[DecryptData]",
        CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure,
        Parameters = new
                          @DataToDecrypt = encryptedData
    return new MsSqlProviderBase(EdxDbConnectionString, 

ExecuteQuery function used to encapsulate the dapper Query<> function

public List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>()
    using (IDbConnection dbConnection = DbConnection)
        List<T> qResult = dbConnection.Query<T>(CommandSettings.CommandText, 
                             commandTimeout: CommandSettings.CommandTimeout,
return qResult;


  • (Based on expanded info in comments.) Most IDbConnection implementations will (correctly) "translate" SQL varbinary to C# byte[]. byte[] and string are not immediately convertible, because natural language text is complex.

    You will need to translate your string to a byte[] and vice-versa using an encoding before the underlying stored procedure is usable.

    See Microsoft Docs. The upshot: once you select an encoding, you'll use the GetBytes(string) and GetString(byte[]) methods to en/decode the text going into and coming out of the stored procedure.