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Native queries with @Query annotation in Spring

I have a problem with native queries in Spring. I use annotation @Query with parametr nativeQuery=true and SQL query in param value.

I have the fallowing method in file

@Query(value = "select d.DATA, pt.POKOJTYP_ID, pt.POKOJTYP_NAZWA, 10 \n" +
        "from LISTADAT(:data_od, :data_do) d \n" +
        "left join POKOJTYP pt on 1=1 \n" +
        "order by d.DATA, pt.POKOJTYP_NAZWA",
        nativeQuery = true)
List<DostepnoscTypyListDTO> getDostepnoscNaTypy(
        @Param("data_od") Date dataOd,
        @Param("data_do") Date dataDo);

In file I have:

public @ResponseBody
List<DostepnoscTypyListDTO> getDostepnoscNaTypy(Date dataOd, Date dataDo) {               
   return rezMgr.getDostepnoscNaTypy(dataOd, dataDo);

And in

public List<DostepnoscTypyListDTO> getDostepnoscNaTypy(Date dataOd, Date dataDo) {     
    return rezerwacjaDao.getDostepnoscNaTypy(dataOd, dataDo);

Problem is when method rezerwacjaDao.getDostepnoscNaTypy(dataOd, dataDo) is called and executing is this query. I get an error error:

"Failed to convert from type [java.lang.Object[]] to type [ekoncept.dto.DostepnoscTypyListDTO] for value '{2018-05-01 00:00:00.0, 4, Apartament, 10}'; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [java.sql.Timestamp] to type [ekoncept.dto.DostepnoscTypyListDTO]",

public class DostepnoscTypyListDTO {

   @Getter @Setter private Integer pokojtypId;
   @Getter @Setter private String pokojtypNazwa;
   @Getter @Setter private String naDzien;
   @Getter @Setter private Integer ileDostepnych;

    public DostepnoscTypyListDTO(
            String naDzien, Integer pokojtypId, String pokojtypNazwa,
            Integer ileDostepnych) {

        this.pokojtypId = pokojtypId;
        this.pokojtypNazwa = pokojtypNazwa;
        this.naDzien = naDzien;
        this.ileDostepnych = ileDostepnych;

    public DostepnoscTypyListDTO(
            Timestamp naDzien, //Date naDzien,
            Integer pokojtypId, String pokojtypNazwa,
            Integer ileDostepnych)  {

        SimpleDateFormat df= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        this.naDzien = df.format(naDzien);  //naDzien;

        this.pokojtypId = pokojtypId;
        this.pokojtypNazwa = pokojtypNazwa;
        this.ileDostepnych = ileDostepnych;


  • I changed code basing on this example:

    I created a projection interface

    public interface DostepnoscTypyListProjection {
        Date getNaDzien();
        Integer getPokojtypId();
        String getPokojtypNazwa();
        Integer getIleDostepnych();

    and changed

    @Query(value = 
        "cast(d.DATA as Date) as naDzien, pt.POKOJTYP_ID as pokojtypId, pt.POKOJTYP_NAZWA as pokojtypNazwa, 10 as ileDostepnych \n" +
        "from LISTADAT(:data_od, :data_do) d \n" +
        "left join POKOJTYP pt on 1=1 \n" +
        "order by d.DATA, pt.POKOJTYP_NAZWA",
        nativeQuery = true)
    List<DostepnoscTypyListProjection> getDostepnoscNaTypy(
            @Param("data_od") Date dataOd,
            @Param("data_do") Date dataDo);

    In other files I changed DostepnoscTypyListDTO to DostepnoscTypyListProjection and everything works fine.