i'm trying to check the login information ,,, and get the item Id if they are correct ,,, Otherwise show error entry message my code is:
var getid = from user in db.tables
where user.name == tbusername.Text && user.password == tbpassword.Text
select user.Id;
c = Int32.Parse(getid);
but the vs say there's an error at c = Int32.Parse(getid);
What's wrong?
You cant convert a list to an integer. Where
returns a collection, (or said better an IEnumerable
). You are pushing a list of something into a space (Int32.Parse) that only wants a 1 of something.
Also if your Id is an int, you shouldn't have to parse it
var getid = (from user in db.tables
where user.name == tbusername.Text && user.password == tbpassword.Text
select user.Id).FirstOrDefault();
// or
var getid = db.tables.Where(user => user.name == tbusername.Text && user.password == tbpassword.Text)
.Select(user => user.Id)
if(getid == null)
MessageBox.Show("Oh nooez!!!");
MessageBox.Show("You is id : " + getid );
Enumerable.FirstOrDefault Method (IEnumerable)
Returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements.
Enumerable.Where Method (IEnumerable, Func)
Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
Return Value
Type: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable An IEnumerable that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition.