I Want Use Full Name Or Email Instead Of Id For Search in Find Method in Generic Repsoitory ? How Can Search With FullName in Find Method Instead Of Id? This is FindById Method
public async Task<T> GetByIdAsync(object Id)
return await _dbContext.Set<T>().FindAsync(Id);
I Want Search In Code Above With Full Name?
You can add a generic function to your repository, like this:
public T FindBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
return Context.Set<T>().Where(predicate).FirstOrDefault();
And then in your program, call it like this:
var person1 = MyGenericRepository.FindBy(r => r.FullName == "John Smith");
var person2 = MyGenericRepository.FindBy(r => r.Email == "jane.smith@gmail.com");
Assuming you have FullName and Email in your DB Set.