I have developed a software with Visual Studio 2015-2017 and briefly speaking I have a textbox that send it's content as a parameter to a command on a MySql database to return the value in a DataGridView. It's a software to organize every environmental complaint sent from a webpage.
My question is: Can I use that ONE textbox to search content for any row in a database table?
Like using the textbox to return every single environmental complaint with a persons name and using the same one to return every single environmental complaint with the complaint location.
It would be something like:
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE anything on a table = textbox parameter;
The answer is no, not in any normal sense the way you have shown, however you can build up a query to include the columns you want to search. I mean how are you (or sql) going to deal with non text fields and all sorts of other shenanigans
Example of what might get your started
FROM yourtable
WHERE 'val' IN (field1, field2, field3, field4, ...)
WHERE field1 LIKE '%val%' or field2 LIKE '%val%' etc....