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<title>Range Slider Width</title>
<script src="slajder.js"></script>
#ekran {
width: 80px;
height: 100px;
background-color: pink;
<input type='range' min="1" max="400" value="150">
<div id='ekran'></div>
Without ID on input range slider with only id on DIV element i needed to write JS code so when i move slider acording to a value of a slider width of that DIV element with ID ='ekran' is chaning too. (with a slider of course). Im not sure if CSS is correct but i had something like this on exam. Please help guys. I beginer in JS. Learning it still and i have a looooot more to learn.
PS: if value of range slider is '30' width of that div will be 30px. thats all
you can get the value of the slider with from the input
event from the slider like this
and set that to the width of the div
let slider = document.querySelector('[type=range]')
let div = document.querySelector('#ekran')
slider.addEventListener('input', e => {
div.style.width = e.target.value + 'px'
#ekran {
width: 80px;
height: 100px;
background-color: pink;
<input type='range' min="1" max="400" value="80">
<div id='ekran'></div>