I have a part in my site that dedicated to changing the language. Right now, in a circle button, i have united-kingdom flag. This is the default option.
<a class="nav-link-language js-language-trigger">
<img src="http://my-site.test/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/260-united-kingdom.png" alt="">
For example i have an option for German Language
<div class="nav-link-language-holder">
<a><img src="http://my-site.test/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/260-germany.png" alt=""><i>German</i></a>
How can i set with javscript, when user click on the icon for Germany, it will be replaced for the default option (right now is united-kingdom)
Thanks a lot
Here's a quick way to change your img src :
<img id="Your_IMG_ID" src="olg-img-src.png">
<button onclick="change_img_src()">Change SRC</button>
function change_img_src() {
document.getElementById("Your_IMG_ID").src = "new-img-src.png";
To generalize what you're looking for and further simplify it, here's a way to do it :
<!--- Your main flag --->
<img id="main-flag" style="cursor:pointer" src="img.png"/>
<!--- Rest of flags --->
<img style="cursor:pointer" onclick="Change_flag(this.src)" src="img.png"/>
<img style="cursor:pointer" onclick="Change_flag(this.src)" src="img-2.png"/>
<img style="cursor:pointer" onclick="Change_flag(this.src)" src="img-3.png"/>
<!----Other flags---->
function Change_flag(_src) {
document.getElementById("main-flag").src = _src;