Could someone give me a nice and clean example of how to use the Icefaces 2.0 rowselector? My plan is to use it as a component, so I can reuse it for all kinds of lists.
<ice:dataTable id="table" value="#{cc.attrs.list}" var="record">
<ice:rowSelector rendered="#{ == 1}" value="#{cc.attrs.selectMethod}"
selectedClass="tableRowSelected" mouseOverClass="tableRowMouseOver"
immediate="false" selectionListener="#{cc.attrs.selectMethod}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<ice:outputText value="#{record.idDesc}"></ice:outputText>
<ice:outputText value="#{}"></ice:outputText>
As you may see, I'm not sure how Im going to handle the value="???" and the selectionListener="???". I'm not sure how to implement it in the bean.
It would be great if I can separate the bean and the component methods into two differnet classes. Whenever I need a rowSelector, for some List object in some Bean, I simply add the Component object to present bean.
Maybe to many things at 1 time, if so, sorry for that =)
Problem solved! =)
Made a list and a listener.