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Auto scroll to last row of table

I'm working on a simple table using nicescroll plugin.

On load the table auto scroll to bottom, also, I added a button which adds a new row and scroll to bottom too.

my problem is when I added a new input field that generate a rows base from user input, it wont scroll to the last row, some times it bounce in the middle.

Hope you help me.


here is my sample code

// add scroll

$('tbody').niceScroll({autohidemode: false});

// add 1 row

        var rowCount = $('table > tbody tr').length + 1;

    $('tbody').append('<tr><td>item'+ rowCount +'</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td></tr>');

  scrollTop: $('tbody').get(0).scrollHeight}, 2000);


// scroll to bottom on load
  scrollTop: $('tbody').get(0).scrollHeight}, 2000);

// generate rows
  $('table tbody tr').remove();
  scrollTop: $('tbody').get(0).scrollHeight}, 2000);

  var rowCount = $('table > tbody tr').length + 1;  
    for(var i = 1; i <= $(this).val(); i++ ){
     $('tbody').append('<tr><td>item'+ i +'</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td></tr>'); 


// clear value on input field


  • Only change a bit of your js code

    Way 1

    // generate rows
      // Clean table
      $('table tbody tr').remove();
      // Add new rows
      var rowCount = $('table > tbody tr').length + 1;  
      for(var i = 1; i <= $(this).val(); i++ ){
         $('tbody').append('<tr><td>item'+ i +'</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td></tr>'); 
      // Then stop previous anim with clean anim queue (added by every key typed in input) and finally add new anim
      $('tbody').stop(true, false).animate({
          scrollTop: $('tbody').get(0).scrollHeight}, 2000);

    Way 2

    // generate rows
      $('table tbody tr').remove();  
      var rowCount = $('table > tbody tr').length + 1;  
      for(var i = 1; i <= $(this).val(); i++ ){
        $('tbody').append('<tr><td>item'+ i +'</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td><td>items</td></tr>'); 
        // Animate during row adding  
        $('tbody').stop().animate({scrollTop: $('tbody').get(0).scrollHeight}, 2000);      