I have a Node-Red Application.
A user logs in with credentials stored in a sqlite database.
Based on the information returned from the database it sets a bunch of variables for use in other flows.
flow.set('sid', userid);
However, if another user logs in at the same time, all of these variables are reset to belong to the User 2 and therefor, user 1 now has all of user 2's information.
Is there a way to set variables, so that both can exist at the same time, so that each time a user visits the application they have their own context of it?
Any help here would be appreciated
A node-red flow has no inherent knowledge of 'who' is triggering it. That is an application level detail.
Assuming you have a way to identify the user that has triggered a flow, you can use that information to build unique context keys for them.
For example, let's say msg.req.user
contains a unique id for the user. You could then do:
flow.set(msg.req.user+':sid', userid);