I have a function that inserts a line break before a word when the sentence is longer than a given number :
public static String wrapString(String string, int charWrap)
int lastBreak = 0;
int nextBreak = charWrap;
if (string.length() > charWrap)
String setString = "";
do {
while (string.charAt(nextBreak) != ' ' && nextBreak > lastBreak)
if (nextBreak == lastBreak)
nextBreak = lastBreak + charWrap;
setString += string.substring(lastBreak, nextBreak).trim() + "\n";
lastBreak = nextBreak;
nextBreak += charWrap;
while (nextBreak < string.length());
setString += string.substring(lastBreak).trim();
return setString;
return string;
I send a sentence including line breaks already, so I would like this function not to count existing line breaks only as characters, but to reset the counting when it reaches a line break.
For example I send to the function the following : "En cas de paiement avant minuit, suivant la date d'apposition du présent avis, vous bénéficiez d'une minoration.\n Après le délai de 3 mois, un titre exécutoire sera adressé au titulaire."
It counts the char "\n" as a character so it cuts the next phrase earlier than it should.
You can first split sentences from line breaks and then run your code for each of the strings. Finally concatenate all of the strings.
String para = "abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc \n" +
"abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc ";
String[] sentences = para.split("\n");
String finalString = "";
for (String s : sentences) {
finalString = finalString + wrapString(s, 20).trim() + "\n";