Recently I want my siddhi program to show some statistic result. However it did not work out really well.
Basically I followed this user guide to create an example app. Then I went to Siddhi Query Guide page to add the statistics part. The main class looks like this:
String siddhiApp =
"@App:name('TestApp') " +
"@App:statistics(interval = '1') " +
"define stream StockEventStream (symbol string, price float, volume long); " +
" " +
"@info(name = 'query1') " +
"from StockEventStream#window.length(5) " +
"select symbol, sum(price) as price, sum(volume) as volume " +
"group by symbol " +
"insert into AggregateStockStream ;";
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
siddhiAppRuntime.addCallback("AggregateStockStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
InputHandler inputHandler = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("StockEventStream");
//Start SiddhiApp runtime
//Sending events to Siddhi
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"IBM", 100f, 100L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"IBM", 200f, 300L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"WSO2", 60f, 200L} );
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"WSO2", 70f, 400L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"GOOG", 50f, 30L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"IBM", 200f, 400L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"WSO2", 70f, 50L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"WSO2", 80f, 400L});
inputHandler.send(new Object[]{"GOOG", 60f, 30L});
//Shutdown SiddhiApp runtime
//Shutdown Siddhi
However the output did not show the count and flow rate of the stream instead the output was only
[Event{timestamp=1523613242078, data=[IBM, 100.0, 100], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613243107, data=[IBM, 300.0, 400], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613243107, data=[WSO2, 60.0, 200], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613244107, data=[WSO2, 130.0, 600], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613244107, data=[GOOG, 50.0, 30], isExpired=false}]
2018/4/13 下午5:54:05
-- Gauges ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[Event{timestamp=1523613245120, data=[IBM, 400.0, 700], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613247136, data=[WSO2, 200.0, 650], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613249137, data=[WSO2, 220.0, 850], isExpired=false}]
[Event{timestamp=1523613249137, data=[GOOG, 110.0, 60], isExpired=false}]
There is only a Gauge without showing anything. Did I miss any extension package? Or am I using Statistics command in wrong way? Thank you for asking!
I just want to close this question as I figured it out myself. This problem happened as I used Java 10 as JDK. The solution is to use java 1.8