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Communication between iPhone App and Rails App

What is the best way to communicate between an iphone app and a rails web app? I need to be able to register as a user, edit my profile and upload, rate and comment images in the rails web app.

In my rails controllers I have a lot of stuff (logic), I don't need when communicating with an iphone. How can I separate the logic for the iphone and the web in my controller? Should I use separate controllers for web and iphone communication?

What's the best tool/framework on the iphone to exchange data and images with a rails app? I looked at ObjectiveResource, but I'm not sure if it will to the trick (including image uploads).


  • I think it works nicely to have an API directory with a set of controllers that define your API.

    So you'd have, for example /app/controllers/api/items_controller.rb and a /app/controllers/api/base_api_controller.rb

    Inherit from your BaseApiController instead of ApplicationController, and you can get your api token from there, etc.

    In your routes:

    namespace :api do
      resources :items