As part of a college assignment, I'm trying to do a simple C app, using Win32 for GUI programming and writing my own dynamic linked list for storing data. Since i could use it for other things later, I'm trying to write a generic list, with "built in" functions for reading and writing data to a file. Now here's my problem
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct tagA{
int t_int;
float t_float;
char t_char;
char t_vchar[30];
} A;
typedef struct tagB{
void *data;
struct tagB *prox;
} B;
int main(){
A dA = {1, 1.5, 'a', "teste123"};
B dB = {&dA, NULL}; = &dA;
B dB2 = {0};
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("Data.txt", "w");
size_t dSize = sizeof(dA);
printf("Struct size: %d", dSize);
if(fp == NULL){
fwrite(&, dSize, 1, fp);
fp = fopen("Data.txt", "r"); = malloc(dSize);
fread(&, dSize, 1, fp);
printf("\n\n%s", ((A*)>t_vchar);
This is the code I'm trying to work out.
Also, I know its not the best written, most efficient and safe code, but it's just a prototype, something that came into my mind...
Your problem is you are writing the address of &
with fwrite
instead of
itself (it is already a pointer). For example:
fwrite(, dSize, 1, fp);
will resolve your problem (with the like corresponding change to fread