I am working in an environment consisting between 10-20 teams. Each team has their own set of database tables within a single database schema. All teams are using Java Spring Boot applications with JaVers. I have been tasked to implement some auditing framework for our application. Although we won't be in this environment for long, we are trying to move to AWS instead; the other 19 teams will remain. I need to implement the auditing framework in a way that is easily portable and I don't want to split the data within these shared tables and risk corrupting the data during the migration.
Is there anyway I can use my own JaVers tables instead of the common 4 created by the framework? Instead of jv_table I would want something like my_jv_table.
// Shared
// Separate
Then I can easily port only my tables during the migration efforts without worrying about impacting somebody else.
You cant change Javers' table names but why not use database schema to separate domains? Schema name is configurable.